
Buda is a charitable not-for-profit organisation supported by Mount Alexander Shire Council and is recognised as an important historical and cultural asset of Victoria. An accredited museum with Museums Australia, Buda is open for public viewing year round, and is complemented by an annual events and exhibition program

Buda is held by the Trustees of the Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historic Museum on behalf of the public of the State of Victoria and of Castlemaine.

Buda management is entrusted to a volunteer committee of management plus three permanent staff to run it’s day to day affairs and plan events that raise funds for the ongoing upkeep of the property and allow for public access.

Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report 2021-2022

Annual Report 2020-2021

Annual Report 2019-2020

Annual Report 2018 – 2019

The Buda Committee of Management


Bronwyn Rudolph – President

Registered Building Practitioner
BA interior Architecture RMIT 1976
Runs Design Connections building design service
Member of:
BDAV (building designers association of Victoria)
National Trust Victoria
Furniture History Society of Australia

Pat Grumont – Secretary

Retired Teacher
Education Consultant
Associated with Buda since 1981
Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions Award 2019

Christine Lloyd

Retired secondary art and design teacher.
Buda Tour Guide since 2018.

Mandy Leveratt

BA (Hons) University of Sussex
PhD History ANU
Board of St. Kilda Community Housing

Cr Tony Cordy

Co-opted member Mount Alexander Shire Council

Peter Lukaitis – Vice President

Sergeant of Victoria Police (Retired)
Accredited Mediator

Peter Weston- Treasurer

Accountant – 50 years experience

George A. Milford 

Accountant FCPA
Trustee Castlemaine Art Gallery & Historical Museum
Trustee S R Stoneman Foundation
Previously Finance Controller Thompsons Kelly & Lewis Pty Ltd
Lengthy experience as Hon Treasurer of community organizations

Colin Tracey

Retired: Operations Manager Telstra Satellite Services
Retired: Bendigo Campus Manager Girton Grammar School
Primarily associated with Buildings and Grounds maintenance work

Faye Shortal

Retired Teacher, Librarian and Retailer
Associated with Buda since 1981

Buda Staff


Sarah Frazer – House curator

B.App.Sc. (Conservation of Cultural Materials), University of Canberra
Dip. Visual Art, SW Tafe
Cert IV Training and Assessment, Box Hill Tafe
Cert III Microbusiness Management, Australian Business Development Centre

Ryan Garratt – Garden curator

25 years Nursery and Garden industry experience. Tree propagation, retail consultant, Head Gardener for large open garden, nursery production manager and Garden Educator.

Vivienne Hamilton – Communications and Administration Manager

BA (Fine art Phot) – RMIT University
Post Graduate Diploma in Arts and Cultural Management – UniSA