Buda School Tours
Buda House and Garden was the home of the Leviny family for 118 years from the goldrush days of 1863 up to 1981 when the property was opened as a museum. During that time many children have lived, laughed and played in the house and garden at Buda.
The Buda House and Garden tour guide team offers a guided tour of the House and Garden, focussing on the following inquiry questions:
- How has family life changed or remained the same over time?
- What aspects of the past can you see today?
- How have changes in technology shaped our daily life?
The House Tour looks at differences in the layout and objects in the home, the life of children, fashions, entertainment, technologies.
In the drawing rooms students investigate how the Leviny family and their guests relaxed and amused themselves. How was the house kept cool in summer and heated in winter? Why were the beds so high, and where was the toilet hidden? They explore the original maids’ quarters to observe how different it is from their own kitchens at home. How did the cook keep food fresh without a fridge, and how were foods preserved?
During the Garden Tour, see what’s growing in the kitchen garden and discuss seasonal eating and life without supermarkets.
The tour covers Victorian Curriculum requirements in History (Historical Sources as Evidence, Personal histories & Community histories), Critical and Creative Thinking.
Year Levels: Foundation to Level 6 (highly recommended for Foundation to Level 2)
Length of Tour: approx. 75 minutes. The class will be split into two, with one group touring the house, while the second half tour the garden. The groups then swap over. Mornings work well, with a 10am start, so that the visit is completed before Buda is open to the public at noon.
Numbers: Up to 25 students at a time (1:10 teacher/carer to student ratio)
Location: 42 Hunter St Castlemaine. Enter via Hunter St gate.
Resources: student worksheets are available on request.
Cost: $6 per student. Teachers and accompanying carers free.
Bookings: (03) 5472 1032 or email Vivienne Hamilton admin@budacastlemaine.org