Walking/driving tour of significant Leviny connections in Castlemaine.
Purchase of map includes entry to Buda Historic Home & Garden
Buda 2020 (Photo Vivienne Hamilton) Buda Circa 1893
Plans by Ernest Leviny
Present day
Canvas and weatherboard shop was in the Market Square. Now Victory park
Market Square, Castlemaine, Forest Creek 1855 S. T. GILL Courtesy NGV
Photo of shop as Goodwin’s Café 1870 (Buda Collection)
Barker St and Post Office. 1915:1921 Courtesy SLV
Coles, Barker Street, Castlemaine, 1946 | Victorian Places
Built June 1869. Demolished 18/10/1978 Victorian Heritage Database
Town Hall and School of Mines, Castlemaine | Victorian Places
Photo 2024: Vivienne Hamilton
Town Hall and School of Mines 1907
Anglican Church circa 1900 courtesy of Ken McKimmie
“To the glory of god and in memory of Ernest and Bertha Leviny and family” Photo: Mandy Leveratt
Castlemaine Art Gallery opening in 1931 (Photo Courtesy SLV)
Castlemaine Railway Station 1915 (Photo courtesy Victorian Goldfields Railways)