A fascinating tour presented by renowned Geological consultant Clive Willman on Saturday 23rd April.
The Living Amongst the Mines tour explores the sights and sounds that the Leviny family experienced in the late 19th century. This artistic and cultured family, more than any other household in Castlemaine, were surrounded by the clanging and banging of mine machinery. Deep shafts were located just metres from their fence line, and at times, even the streets were mined. Amazingly they tolerated all this until Ernest Leviny drew the line when a sulphurous and smoke belching mineral processing plant, just around the corner, withered his precious garden and poisoned the kids.
$15/$12 Conc. and Friends of Buda
Morning tea included
BOOK NOWStories of Buda. A series of specially themed tours and after dark exclusive events exploring the life and times of the extraordinary Leviny family through 118 years of makers and collectors, Arts and Crafts and creative family life